I am just editing the html template provided right now. I used to make silly little webpages back in the day on Homestead and Angelfire and whatnot, cut my teeth with pet pages on Neopets, so I'm gonna refresh myself as I go! Despite having a degree in digital media, I have never been super sophisticated with my design tastes, so I favor cooler colors and simple layouts. I'll get to the CSS stuff eventually. If Neocities decides to like me making changes to it, like I've been trying all evening.
They changed the command for bold to "strong" and italic to "em". Back in my day, it was /b and /i.
These are some things I like and may write about:
Here is my write-up of the fortress Paddledriddle.
My fiancee writes a lot of detailed stuff about video games, so I will host and link things here.